24 E Blasts
April 2023 Members Forum Sponsor

Burch Materials & Supplies

There is Still Time to Register for Today's PACA's Next Members Forum Meeting

PACA's next Members Forum Monthly Meeting is scheduled for this TODAY at 11:00 AM.

This month's featured speaker is Matt Osenbach, Legislative Director, Office of State Senator Gene Yaw, Majority Chair of Senate Environmental Resources & Energy Committee.

The full agenda is as follows:


Featured Speaker: Matt Osenbach, Legislative Director, Office of State Senator Gene Yaw, Majority Chair of Senate Environmental Resources & Energy Committee

  • Topic: Senate Environmental Resources & Energy Committee Update

Regulatory. Josie Gaskey

  • Chapter 77 & IRRC
  • Aggregate Advisory Board Meeting - May 2 in Harrisburg / online
  • Environmental Community Meeting - May 11 - State College

Government Affairs. Hank Butler

Member Services. Kallie Kline

  • 2023 Summer Summit - June 25-27- Cambridge, MD

Technical. Jim Casilio, P.E.

  • April 18, 2023 Townhall Meeting Direction on ASR and Substandard Concrete Field Testing

Open Dialogue.


To participate in this Zoom meeting, please REGISTER HERE.

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