Last Call for Hotel Rooms - Antitrust Training & Townhall Meeting on ASR, Concrete Testing

Message from PACA Chair - Jeff Detwiler, New Enterprise Stone & Lime Co., Inc.

PACA will be hosting a townhall meeting on ASR and concrete testing issues, along with discussing results of our upcoming membership value survey and more. More information is available HERE.

Please join us at this inaugural event on April 17 – 18 at the Omni Bedford Springs Resort as we will address key issues impacting our industry. The voice of our membership is important in this discussion as the feedback with shape the Association’s direction.

We are also planning an antitrust education session by PACA’s legal counsel, Babst Calland, followed by a reception and dinner for much needed networking time outside the Annual Meeting. We will close the first evening with a legislative update from both DC and Harrisburg as significant changes are happening at both the national and state level.

All that is available for just a $50 registration fee over those two days.

To register to attend, GO HERE.


Upcoming Workshop: Transforming the Concrete Delivery Professional

MIT and the RMC Research and Education Foundation are excited to invite you to the 2023 MIT CSHub Workshop on Transforming the Concrete Delivery Professional (CDP)!

The CSHub has been exploring how data and technology can be applied to redesign the delivery workforce.

The goal is to identify strategies to overcome the national shortage of delivery professionals.

Join them on March 29 and 30 at MIT
for exciting updates on CSHub CDP research including the results of a unique survey on what drives CDP satisfaction, expert speakers with a vision for the future CDP, and breakout sessions with key stakeholders to discuss opportunities and barriers for the proposed strategies.

Click HERE to see the full agenda.

You are also invited to a dinner reception at Catalyst Restaurant on March 29th.

Workshop Location:

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Morss Hall, Walker Memorial

142 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA 02139

Dinner Location:

Catalyst Restaurant

300 Technology Square, Cambridge MA 02139

There is no room block for hotels, but a list of recommended and MIT-discounted hotels is available here.

If you have any questions, please contact Liz Moore or Beth Unger.

This research project is being funded by the RMC Research & Education Foundation.

To attend, RSVP HERE.

© 2023 Pennsylvania Aggregates and Concrete Association