As we discussed in the spring, I am letting you know that we just scheduled an NRMCA Exterior Flatwork Finish Certification exam for those needing to meet the PennDOT certification requirement.
Included HERE is a brochure with more information on the exam.
Date: October 6, 2022
Location: Sunbury, PA
Registration for this exam will close on Tuesday, October 4th, so please register promptly. To register, please visit our website registration page HERE.
I know that everyone is very busy, but this is the only class scheduled at this time. Because there is an outdoor performance part, we need to run these classes before the weather gets too challenging.
Please call me or email me with any questions.
610-730-2385 - mobile
[email protected]
Thank you,
Jim Casilio, P.E.
PACA's Director of Technical Services