What is the difference between the NRMCA Exterior Flatwork Finisher certification exam and the ACI Flatwork Finisher exam?
The NRMCA Exterior Flatwork Finishers Certification is the preferred certification program to meet the upcoming PennDOT requirement. This is due to the fact that it carries a lifetime certification and its focus is on finishing practices to achieve durable exterior concrete.
You can also meet the PennDOT requirement by either holding or getting the ACI Flatwork Finishers certification. That certification is required on many commercial construction projects, but it does carry a 5-year renewal.
PACA has scheduled an upcoming NRMCA Exterior Flatwork Finisher certification exam as follows:
April 23, 2024 - State College, PA.
More information on this exam is available HERE.
To register, visit our website HERE.