24 E Blasts
Update Your Company Profile

Accurate Information Needed for Future Online Membership Directory


DEADLINE - April 23, 2024

We Need Your Help!

We are nearing the completion of the integration of a new online membership directory and product searchable "yellow pages" to upload to our website.

What does this mean for your company?

The information currently listed in our AMS (Association Management System or database) will automatically upload into this directory when it goes live. Whether or not the information is accurate is up to you, therefore we need your assistance to make sure that everything is correct.

What should be updated?

  • Company locations - plant sites, quarry sites, branch offices
  • Personnel and their titles
  • Email addresses and cell phones (PRODUCER MEMBERS: please note that these are for internal use only and will not be posted in the online directory per Board policy - ASSOCIATE MEMBERS: we will be listing this information for all sales contacts as a courtesy/member benefit for customer contact purposes - this will be the case across the board as the system does not allow us to pick and choose who does/doesn't get posted)
  • Your products and services - this is important for the searchable yellow pages to function correctly

How do you update your company's profile(s)?

If you do not wish to handle the company profile update yourself, please contact Kallie Kline with the name and email address of the person you wish to assign to this duty. This person must be designated as an "editor" in our system to allow them access to update the profile.

Once you or your editor are ready to update, please access your profile HERE and use the same login credentials you use to register to attend a PACA event.

If you need to add a new location, please email this information to Kallie to be added into the system.

If you have any questions, please contact Kallie.

We appreciate your assistance!

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