On May 12th, PACA Chairman Bob Housel of Masters Concrete and PACA Staff - Peter Vlahos and Jim Casilio - attended a meeting with the upper management of PennDOT and the Pennsylvania Turnpike, along with APC leadership, to discuss supply chain issues on construction projects.
We were very forthcoming with the concerns that our producers have expressed which have resulted in much frustration with the way in which PennDOT’s specifications are administered. These concerns were acknowledged, however, we are still waiting for the Department and the Turnpike to follow up on those.
Related but separate, and in an attempt to be constructive and proactive, the PACA Board of Directors met on June 12th and approved the recommendation to the Department and the PTC to address some supply chain concerns. The request is that concrete mix design ingredients, along with aggregate and cement project source of supply, be able to be changed in an equivalent basis as needed without the requirement for redesigns and resubmittals.
Below is a copy of the letter which we issued to the department and PTC today, which contains the details of this recommendation.
We will keep all informed when we hear from PennDOT and the PTC about this proposed recommendation.