24 E Blasts

PACA Associate Board Holds Interim Elections

This morning, PACA's Associate Board of Directors held elections to fill several vacancies in its roster.

Greg Donecker, Kemper Equipment, was elected as Vice Chairman of the Associate Board of Directors. Through this position, Greg will also serve as a non-voting member of the PACA Board of Directors.

Tom Schachner, Cleveland Brothers Equipment Co., Inc.; Lee Miller, IMA ESS and Michael Peelish, Law Office of Adele Abrams were all elected to serve in director positions through the Annual Meeting this November in Hershey until such time when their names may be included on a ballot to be approved by the full Associate membership in attendance at the meeting.

To see the full slate of Associate Board Members, please go here.

PACA Board and Associate Board Seek Candidates for 2022 Election

Both the PACA Board of Directors and the Associate Board of Directors are seeking candidates for the 2022 election for a 3-year term from 2023 to 2025. Interested candidates should email their interest and qualifications to the appropriate staff liaison.

The PACA Board is open to any member producer of concrete, aggregates and/or cement only. The Associate Board is open to any supplier business partner that is a member of PACA.

Please note that the PACA bylaws state "one company, one vote," therefore if there is a representative from your corporate entity currently sitting on the either board, another candidate is ineligible to serve.

Deadline is August 26th to respond.

For the PACA Board, please send your nomination interest to Peter Vlahos.

For the Associate Board, please email Kallie Kline.

PACA Continues to Celebrate 40 Years at the Summer Summit

It all began in 1982. Several associations came together as one and here we are today, 40 years later.

We've highlighted the anniversary with a revised logo, during the monthly member forums, on banner ups, but, we finally had the first opportunity to truly celebrate together, in person at the Summer Summit in Maryland earlier this month.

With a collection of PACA members and their spouses and children, 200 people came together to network and celebrate this milestone.

Want to see pictures and highlights from the Summit? Well, there is one way you can - come to the Annual Meeting in Hershey - November 14 and 15, 2022. Mark your calendars and let's continue the festivities.

July Members Forum Sponsor

SIKA Corporation

July Members Forum Online Meeting Topic & Speaker Announced

Top Tech Trends and Legal Issues and Practical Considerations of Adopting Advanced Technologies by the Construction Materials Industry

This presentation will identify many of the emerging technologies that are currently being incorporated across the construction materials industry value chain and the associated legal considerations. Use of enterprise software solutions, autonomous devices, robotic functionality, drones and related technologies are key to increasing efficiency and safety in the workplace and field operations, but introduce legal risks that need to be understood and addressed. Babst Calland technology attorney Justine Kasznica will summarize some of these key tech trends facing the construction material industry and offer pragmatic solutions to address the associated legal risks.

Speaker - Justine Kasznica, Babst Calland


Members in the News

Centre Concrete SOS 002
Centre Concrete SOS 001
Centre Concrete Signs DoD Statement of Support

On June 1, the Pennsylvania Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR), a Department of Defense program, announced that Centre Concrete signed a Statement of Support in recognition of extraordinary support of employees serving in the Pennsylvania’s Guard and Reserve. The Statement of Support program is the cornerstone of ESGR’s effort to gain and maintain employer support for the Guard and Reserve.

The intent of the program is to increase employer support by encouraging employers to act as advocates for employee participation in the military. Supportive employers are critical to maintaining the strength and readiness of the Nation’s Guard and Reserve units.

PACA commends Centre Concrete owner Eric Nicholson who signed the Statement of Support on behalf of the company. Accompanying Eric at the document signing was Centre’s EHS Director Matt Whitman and Pennsylvania Army National Guard member Sgt. Tasha Williams, who serves in the 542nd Quartermaster Company located in Danville, PA. Tasha is in the current class of PACA’s Emerging Leaders Academy.

For more information on how your company can support ESGR’s effort, contact Lt. Col. Bill Burkhard, PA ESGR Public Affairs Officer at [email protected].

Advocacy News

Fall 2022 Legislative Calendar


September 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21

October 24, 25, 26

November 14, 15, 16


September 19, 20, 21

October 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26

November 15

State Advocacy Push - ACT NOW!

State Advocacy Push - ACT NOW!

We need your help NOW!

Action to Lower Motor License Fund Bleed!

Seven (7) Pennsylvania construction materials, contractor and consulting engineering associations signed a LETTER asking for the General Assembly to reconsider the bleed from the Motor License Fund (MLF) to Pennsylvania State Police (PSP). At this time (2021/2022 state budget), the total is $673M diverted to PSP operations. The Governor has proposed a reduction of diverted MLF monies from $673M down to $500M for the 2022/2023 budget (state fiscal year commences on July 1).

We are asking for the diverted funds to level off at $200M starting in the new fiscal year on July 1st. This is the time of sausage making in the General Assembly with the budget approval process. We simply can’t do it without your help!

Our friends at the Associated Pennsylvania Constructors (APC) have offered to use of one of their grassroots tools to engage with your state legislators. I have done it and it took less than 30 seconds! Please make the push now because we will lose a golden opportunity to lower the PSP impact on MLF funds!

Click HERE to share your ask with your elected legislators!

Thank you. Please don’t hesitate to contact Peter Vlahos with any questions.

Promotion News

Have a Project You'd Like to Highlight?

As we move into the second half of 2022 we're hoping you have an attention getting project that you would like to make people aware of.

If the project has been completed we would love the opportunity to highlight it on our case studies page. If the project is currently under construction, let's talk about a possible site tour and video.

In either case we need you to contact us to start the ball rolling. Please send Ken Crank an e-mail or phone call (717-468-0259).

Remember, Concrete, It Just Makes Cents!

Environmental News

PennDOT Conducts Survey on Electric Vehicle Infrastructure

PennDOT has completed a draft State Plan for Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment, required by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), to receive formula funding through the new National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program created by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

The Department has launched a survey to collect feedback on the goals, infrastructure-prioritization, and program-administration components of the Draft Pennsylvania State Plan, which you can access at the below link:

The survey also includes an overview of FHWA’s NEVI Formula Program Guidance.

The survey will close Friday, July 8, 2022. The results of the survey will build upon outreach and discussions that have been previously held and are ongoing to shape Pennsylvania’s NEVI State Plan.

EPA Legal Tools to Advance Environmental Justice Efforts

EPA’s Office of General Counsel recently released an updated legal “toolbox” to assist the agency in protecting marginalized communities from pollution. The 206-page document, entitled “EPA Legal Tools to Advance Environmental Justice”, is to be used to ensure compliance with the Biden Administration’s environmental justice efforts.

The document, truly a legal authority primer, was first published in 2011 during the Obama administration, and puts a focus on existing laws that agencies can use, to promote and integrate environmental justice, from civil rights law to the Clean Air Act and other environmentally related Acts. It catalogs a broad range of legal authorities that EPA and the states can deploy to ensure programs and activities protect the health and environment of all people. While it is a long read, pages 8-12 is the Table of Contents illustrates all the laws that can be used to advance environmental justice efforts. Each section outlines the statutory authority behind each law and addresses areas that could be used to consider potential adverse health effects, etc. EPA states the document is primarily written for internal EPA use, however, it will also assist states and environmental justice advocacy groups wanting to use to bring forth challenges for industry.

EPA’s General Counsel Office is pressing EPA regional office counsels to “exercise leadership in identifying options to advance environmental justice and equity, as well as civil rights compliance” to address the Biden Administration environmental justice goals. Coupled with EPA’s statements on increased enforcement efforts, it paints a clear picture of the Biden administration’s focus.

Should you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Josie Gaskey.

DEP Noncoal Civil Penalty TGD

Our industry strives for environmental compliance. However, if you do get a penalty, depending on the amount, you may want to have your legal counsel ensure that the calculated penalty is calculated in accordance with the current technical guidance document.

This is the link to the current DEP Technical Guidance Document on Noncoal Civil Penalty Assessments, ID No. 562-4180-101.

Should you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact Josie Gaskey.

DEP Senior Management Changes

Effective July 2, 2022, Joe Adams will be named Acting Executive Deputy Secretary for Programs replacing Ramez Ziadeh, who is already Acting Secretary of DEP replacing Secretary Patrick McDonnell. Patrick is leaving July 2. Joe's current position will be taken over by Bob DiGilarmo in an Acting capacity. These positions are designated Acting due to the upcoming Governor's election in November.

Joe began with DEP 2004 and has had a variety of roles in the Bureau of Water Standards, Oil and Gas Management, Director for the Southcentral Regional Office, and most recently Deputy Secretary for Field Operations. Joe is a licensed professional engineer, graduating from Penn State University with a degree in Chemical Engineering.

Bob has been with DEP since 1992 focusing on wastewater and environmental programs efficiencies. Bob is a retired U.S. Army veteran and has been an adjunct professor for ROTC students at Penn State's Middletown campus. He has a Mechanical Engineering degree from Penn State.

Should you have any questions, contact Josie Gaskey.

Safety & Health News

MSHA Silica Enforcement Initiative

As we’ve indicated many times in the past, MSHA is in the process of working on a rulemaking package purportedly to enhance health protections of miners. In the meantime, they have launched a new enforcement initiative to protect miners from health hazards related to crystalline silica particles. It is effective immediately.

MSHA will be conducting silica dust-related mine inspections and expand sampling at mines. Additionally, they will be providing mine operators with compliance assistance and best practices to limit miners’ exposure to silica dust. Specific enforcement actions include:

  • --Spot inspections to monitor and evaluate health and safety conditions at both noncoal and coal mines that have historical repeat silica overexposures.
  • --Increased oversight and enforcement of known silica hazards at mines with previous citations for exposing miners to silica dust levels over the existing permissible exposure limit of 100 micrograms. For noncoal mines where an operator has not abated hazards, MSHA will issue a 104(b) withdrawal order until the silica overexposure hazard has been terminated. For coal mines, MSHA will encourage dust control and ventilation plan changes.
  • --Expanded silica sampling at noncoal mines to ensure inspectors’ samples represent the mines, commodities and occupations known to have the highest risk for overexposure.
  • --A focus on sampling during periods of the mining process that present the highest risk of silica exposure for miners. Noncoal, this means focusing on miners working to remove overburden. For coal, it means those processes that include shaft and slope sinking, extended cuts, and developing crosscuts.
  • --Information about miners rights as it relates to reporting hazardous health conditions including tampering with the sampling process.

MSHA staff will provide compliance assistance and outreach to operators, unions and other mining community organizations.

MSHA will continue working on the development of an improved mandatory health standard for silica. At the June 28th Stakeholders meeting, MSHA indicated they are projecting the end of the year for this rulemaking.

Should you have any questions, contact Josie Gaskey.

Industry Events

July Members Forum Online Meeting
Jul 12, 2022
Via Zoom
ACI Post-Installed Concrete Anchor Installation Inspector Certification Exam
Dec 1, 2022
Sheraton Harrisburg Hershey
August Members Forum Online Meeting
Aug 9, 2022
Via Zoom
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