Annual Membership Meeting
Tuesday, November 15, 2022 - 8:00 AM
Garden Terrace Ballroom, Hotel Hershey, Hershey, PA
Included with this notice are the nominees to the Board of Directors for your review.
In accordance with ARTICLE VI, Section 4 of the Association’s Bylaws, “Each Active Member shall have the right to cast one vote on all matters coming before the membership meeting. At the time of voting, each Active Member shall designate one representative to cast said vote.”
In accordance with ARTICLE VII, Section 6 of the Association’s Bylaws, “Any member desiring to place additional nominations before the Annual Meeting may do so by submitting in writing such nominations to the President two (2) days prior to the commencement of the Annual Meeting. No nominations shall be accepted from the floor.”
We encourage all active member companies to have a representative present to vote.
Signed: Jamie Stilley, Secretary/Treasurer
TO: Active Member Company Representatives
FROM: Peter T. Vlahos, President & CEO
SUBJECT: 2022 Nominating Committee Report
DATE: September 22, 2022
In Accordance with Article VII, Section 5 of the Association’s Bylaws, the Nominating Committee presents the following nominees to serve on your Board of Directors.
2023 (1-Year Term)
Paul McCarthy Pennsy Supply, Inc., a CRH company
Dan Schaffer Lehigh Cement Company
Joseph Seidenberger Buzzi Unicem USA
2023-2024 (2-Year Term)
Jonathan Byler Byler Materials Group
Michael Gentoso Stavola Companies
2023-2024-2025 (3-Year Term)
Susan Armstrong Central Builders Supply Company
Yonn Barrick Keystone Cement Company
Mark Carroll Allan Myers
Lisa Diliberto Delaware Valley Concrete Co., Inc.
Mike Hawbaker Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc.
Rod Martin Martin Stone Quarries, Inc.
Eric Nicholson Centre Concrete Company
John Rader J.J. Kennedy, Inc.
Congratulations to all candidates!