24 E Blasts

Environmental News

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lists Tricolor Bat as Endangered

On September 14, 2022, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) provided a Federal Register notice indicating that they were proposing to list the Tricolored Bat (Perimyotis subflavus) as endangered. Tricolored bats, while native to Central America, are found in Pennsylvania as well as 38 other states east of the Rocky Mountains and Washington, D.C., and also in parts of eastern Canada, Mexico and Central America. They are one of a handful of species that are most affected by White-Nose Syndrome, a fungal disease that can be deadly for hibernating bats. The tricolored bat is already listed as endangered in Pennsylvania.

In June 2016, the green groups Center for Biological Diversity and Defenders of Wildlife, filed a petition with USFWS, requesting that the tricolored bat be listed as threatened or endangered and that USFWS designate critical habitat for the bat.

In December 2017, USFWS published a finding that the filed petition might be warranted. USFWS’ September 14 proposal, which serves as the agency’s 12-month finding on the listing petition, finds that listing the species is warranted based on the best available scientific and commercial information. However, USFWS concluded that because the tricolored bat occupies a wide variety of forested habitat types within a broad geographical range, designating critical habitat is not prudent at this time.

USFWS will accept comments on its proposal for 60 days. They also will be holding a public informational meeting and hearing on its proposal on October 12.

Should you have any questions, contact Josie Gaskey.

Independent Regulatory Review Commission Disapproves Manganese Rulemaking

At the September 15th IRRC (Independent Regulatory Review Commission) meeting, the Commissioners voted 4-1 to disapprove the DEP’s manganese rulemaking. Thank you to all who sent letters—really very much appreciated.

Next step is for IRRC to send a letter which will take a few weeks. That starts another process with the legislature and the Department. So we are not quite out of the woods yet, but the vote was a really positive step forward.

The major reason for the disapproval cited by at least 4 of the 5 commissioners was that the regulation did not meet the intent of Act 40 of 2017t.

Should you have any questions, contact Josie Gaskey.

Solutions for Pollution Campaign in Pennsylvania

PennFuture and more than 25 other PA groups have joined a nationwide campaign to persuade the Biden administration to carry out its responsibilities to cut climate pollution in half by 2030. They are calling on the federal government to spend all the monies of the recently passed Inflation Reduction Act--$370 billion into preventing climate change, building out clean energy infrastructure, and providing “green” jobs.

The Solutions for Pollution campaign will focus on engaging the administration and mobilizing the public to ensure implementation of rigorous pollution limits on power plants and industrial sources, the strongest possible standards to reduce vehicle pollution, standards for more efficient appliances, limits on methane and HFCs, as well as more transparency for investors, shareholders, and others on climate risks to corporations, and more.

(Note: There are 2,670,595 children in Pennsylvania. One in six of those or about 445,099 kids suffer from real hunger every day.)

Should you have any questions, contact Josie Gaskey.

PACA Events Calendar

Registration Now Open for PACA October Golf Outings

PACA will be hosting two separate golf outings in the month of October. One will focus on our Young Leaders and the other is open to any and all PACA member company employees.

YOUNG LEADERS GOLF OUTING - for PACA member company employees ages 40 and under (and YLDG alumni)

The goal of the PACA Young Leaders Golf Outing is to bring together golfers of all skill levels and corporate positions. The day will include a golf clinic for new golfers or those needing a refresher course. PACA's planning committee will be pairing all foursomes and each foursome will attempt to include a mentor or industry leader and three members of our Young Leaders. No intimidation factor here - newbies, intermediates and expert golfers - golfers of all skill levels welcome. The objectives of the day are learning, networking and having some fun!

Date: Wednesday, October 19th

Location: Country Club of Harrisburg, Harrisburg, PA

Schedule of Events

8:00 AM - Arrival and Registration (continental breakfast available)

9:00 AM - Golf Clinic (optional)

9:50 AM - All Golfers Report to Their Carts

10:00 AM - Scramble Tournament Shotgun Start

Noon - Lunch (boxed lunches will be delivered to all on the course)

3:00 PM - Reception / Prizes

PACA ANNUAL MEMBERS GOLF TOURNAMENT - open to all PACA member company employees

Date: Monday, October 31st

Location: Country Club of Harrisburg, Harrisburg, PA


8:00 AM - Arrival and Registration (continental breakfast available)

9:00 AM - Golf Clinic (optional)

9:50 AM - All Golfers Report to Their Carts

10:00 AM - Scramble Tournament Shotgun Start

Noon to 1:30 PM - Lunch - Country club staff will be grilling up burgers and hot dogs as you pass by the club patio during this time.

3:00 PM - Reception / Prizes

To register for these golf outings, please visit our Events Calendar on our website.

It's Time to Book Your Room at Hotel Hershey! Room Block Expires Oct. 13th

PACA's 40th Anniversary Annual Meeting and Honors Program is an event YOU WILL NOT WANT TO MISS!

Speakers will be covering a wide variety of topics including workforce development, multi-generations, technical issues, regulatory issues, sustainability and SO MUCH MORE!

Our anniversary celebration includes a trip through Hersheypark's Chocolate World and dinner for all at the newly opened Hershey restaurant, the Chocolatier - with a customized menu JUST FOR US!

Are you sold on attending? Then, you should definitely book your room TODAY. Room block is limited and availability outside the block is low, so book NOW because this block will officially expire on October 13th. Please use the following link to book your room:


For all attendees, the activities will begin at 10:30 on Monday, November 14th (PACA Board Members will want to book a room Sunday evening as well due to an early Monday morning board meeting) and all sessions will wrap up by 2:00 PM on Tuesday, November 15th.


Upcoming Events - Showing in Date Order
  • October 5-6 - ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician - Grade I Certification Exam - Leesport, PA
  • October 6 - PACA Underground Mine Conference - Canonsburg, PA
  • October 6 - NRMCA Exterior Flatwork Finisher Exam - Sunbury, PA
  • October 11-12 - ACI Adhesive Anchor Installer Certification Exam - Lititz, PA
  • October 11 - PACA Members Forum Online Meeting, Guest Speaker Bob Housel, Masters RMC, Inc. & PACA Chairman of the Board gives his State of the Association address
  • October 19 - PACA Young Leaders Golf Outing - Harrisburg, PA
  • October 19-20 - ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician - Grade I Certification Exam -State College, PA
  • October 20 - PACA Fall Environmental Community Meeting - Hershey, PA
  • October 27 - ACI Concrete Flatwork Associate & Advanced Concrete Flatwork Finisher Certification Exam - Harrisburg, PA
  • October 31 - PACA's First Annual Members Golf Tournament - Harrisburg, PA
  • November 2-3 - ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician - Grade I Certification Exam - Lititz, PA
  • November 8 - PACA Members Forum Online Meeting
  • November 14 - 15 - PACA 40th Anniversary Annual Meeting & Honors Program - Hershey, PA
  • November 16-17 - ACI Adhesive Anchor Installer Certification Exam - Leesport, PA
  • November 18 - ACI Post-Installed Concrete Anchor Installation Inspector Certification Exam - Harrisburg, PA
  • December 5 - ACI Concrete Flatwork Associate & Advanced Concrete Flatwork Finisher Certification Exam - Harrisburg, PA
  • December 7-8 - ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician - Grade I Certification Exam - Harrisburg, PA
  • December 12 - ACI Concrete Strength Testing Technician Certification Exam - Mechanicsburg, PA
  • December 13 - PACA Members Forum Online Meeting
  • December 14-15 - ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician - Grade I Certification Exam - Bethlehem, PA

For more information, visit our Events Calendar.


Hall of Fame and Concrete Award Nominations Due TOMORROW

As a reminder, nomination forms for both the Ambassadors of the Industry Hall of Fame and the Excellence in Concrete Recognition Awards are due TOMORROW, September 23rd.

Nomination criteria, forms, etc. are available on our website HERE.

You or Your Company Can Also Be Highlighted During the PACA Honors Program - Here's How!

While portions of the PACA Honors Program began many years ago - namely the Ambassadors of the Industry Hall of Fame and the Excellence in Concrete Awards mentioned above - it was greatly expanded back in 2018. This enhanced program is an honored and cherished portion of the Annual Meeting in Hershey and we would value the opportunity to highlight your and/or your company's accomplishments at the meeting.

Honors may include the aforementioned PACA Ambassadors of the Industry Hall of Fame and the Excellence in Concrete Recognition Awards, as well as, national awards recognition, participation on national boards, community recognition, etc.

If you company or an employee of your company has received any special recognitions that you would like the industry to be aware of, please contact Kallie Kline to be included in the Annual Meeting Honors Program.

PACA Nominating Committee Announces Candidates for Annual Meeting Election


Annual Membership Meeting

Tuesday, November 15, 2022 - 8:00 AM

Garden Terrace Ballroom, Hotel Hershey, Hershey, PA

Included with this notice are the nominees to the Board of Directors for your review.

In accordance with ARTICLE VI, Section 4 of the Association’s Bylaws, “Each Active Member shall have the right to cast one vote on all matters coming before the membership meeting. At the time of voting, each Active Member shall designate one representative to cast said vote.”

In accordance with ARTICLE VII, Section 6 of the Association’s Bylaws, “Any member desiring to place additional nominations before the Annual Meeting may do so by submitting in writing such nominations to the President two (2) days prior to the commencement of the Annual Meeting. No nominations shall be accepted from the floor.”

We encourage all active member companies to have a representative present to vote.

Signed: Jamie Stilley, Secretary/Treasurer


TO: Active Member Company Representatives

FROM: Peter T. Vlahos, President & CEO

SUBJECT: 2022 Nominating Committee Report

DATE: September 22, 2022

In Accordance with Article VII, Section 5 of the Association’s Bylaws, the Nominating Committee presents the following nominees to serve on your Board of Directors.

2023 (1-Year Term)

Paul McCarthy Pennsy Supply, Inc., a CRH company

Dan Schaffer Lehigh Cement Company

Joseph Seidenberger Buzzi Unicem USA

2023-2024 (2-Year Term)

Jonathan Byler Byler Materials Group

Michael Gentoso Stavola Companies

2023-2024-2025 (3-Year Term)

Susan Armstrong Central Builders Supply Company

Yonn Barrick Keystone Cement Company

Mark Carroll Allan Myers

Lisa Diliberto Delaware Valley Concrete Co., Inc.

Mike Hawbaker Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc.

Rod Martin Martin Stone Quarries, Inc.

Eric Nicholson Centre Concrete Company

John Rader J.J. Kennedy, Inc.

Congratulations to all candidates!

Industry Events

International Institute of Minerals Appraisers-Fall Conference

PACA Members are invited to participate in the upcoming International Institute of Minerals Appraisers-Fall Conference on October 11 & 12 at the Southpointe Golf Club.

Included in this article is a flyer for the Fall Conference. The two-day event includes:

  1. October 11th is the first day is a 7 hour refresher course on appraisals (this is something for certified minerals appraisers in the IIMA need for certification. As geologists who do appraisals of value for clients, it may have some interest.
  2. October 12th is a workshop in which we will have 8 speakers talk on an aspect of appraising minerals-oil-gas-coal-limestone-ores, etc.

The attached flyer has more details.

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