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PACA has launched its new eLearning Center to provide free continuing education to the design and specifying communities. We're pleased to announce the first set of courses:

  • “Type IL Cement:  The New Cement on the Block.” (.5 CEU)
  • “Adopting Innovations to Improve Durability and Designing for Sustainability.”  (.5 CEU)
  • “Designing for Sustainability and an In-Depth Look at Portland Limestone Cement.” (1.0 CEU) (Combined first and second courses)
  • “What an Engineer Should Know About Aggregates.” (1 CEU) (AIA Approved)

Upon successful completion, participants will receive the corresponding CEU/PDH per course.

If you are interested in enrolling in a course, please contact Tricia Lingenfield at [email protected].

If there are any cement, aggregate or concrete related topics that you would like to learn more about, please contact PACA.

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PACA's Online e-Learning Center

The program is delivered in one (1) module and it should take approximately 30 minutes to complete.  You will receive a certificate of completion once you pass the quiz. The bookmarking feature will allow you to leave the course and resume where you left off when you return.

The Pennsylvania Aggregates and Concrete Association (PACA) is the industry’s unified voice, representing more than 200 member companies across the state.